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Friday, 14 February 2014

How To determine if a function is one to one (1-1)

Functions are the base of mathematics and Science. In simple words if we have two sets X and Y of some items then the function can be described as a procedure or a rule that assigns one item of X to another item in Y. For example the rule that squares numbers takes members of the set X={1,2,3,4} to corresponding elements of Y={1,4,9,16}. Mathematically it can be written as  : X→Y, where f is the function, X is tdomain and Y is Range.
Now depending on the rule or procedure, functions have many types, one of which is one-to-one that we will be discussing. In simple definition “a function is said to be one-to-one if no two different elements of X yield the same output in Y” , so the example given above can also be classified as one-to-one function.
Let's see two methods to find if the function is one to one or not.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

What is AJAX ? An Introdution for Beginners

How to develop Web Applications with AJAX 

            AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML, although it also works synchronously and without XML, but these to things make a great communication technique that can work on back end without disturbing the whole web Page. Before AJAX the web applications were limited because of the fact that, to retrieve the new data from server the whole page had to be reloaded, it was time consuming and somewhat annoying. There are many websites that wouldn't be working without it, let's take an example of  Facebook the popular social networking site, if a person has a facebook account and he logs in, his time line will be displayed, what if his whole 2-year time line is displayed that will be very resource consuming and buttons on the page end would be annoying. Here comes the AJAX to rescue such that when a user reaches the end of the current page javascript detects it sends a back end server request to retrieve some more data without refreshing the page, serve responds to it and send back the data .....

Now let us see two examples, first with javascript-XML and second with javascript-PHP/MySQL to gt a deep understanding of AJAX applications.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Philips Amio: 7-inch budget-friendly Tablet

      There are so many Android tablets on the market, and if you’re looking for an Android tablet that won’t be too harsh on your budget, you might want to check this device that comes from Philips.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

How To Make A Star Rating Widget For A Website Using CSS and Javascript : The Simplest Method

Developing Star Rating Widget

Star rating widget is an important part of many entertainment and educational websites like IMDB or Freebooksdownload  and many more. It gives an attractive method for the people to engage. Today we are going to see the simplest method to create a CSS Star widget and then using javascript and forms togather to retrieve information from it.

 The markup uses the unicode entity for a star (☆) right in it. If you have a UTF-8 charset that should be no big deal. Alternatively you could use ☆. You could use as many stars as you like depending upon your need as follows:

<div class="rating">
<span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> </div>

IdeaPad A10 Android laptop confirmed by Lenovo

IdeaPad A10 Android laptop      

There have been rumors about Lenovo IdeaPad A10, and today we’re pleased to inform you that Lenovo has officially confirmed this device, so let’s see what does IdeaPad A10 have to offer.

Android laptops aren’t that common, but if you’re looking for an Android laptop, Lenovo IdeaPad A10 might be just what you need. According to the rumors, this device should use 10.1-inch display, quad-core Rockchip RK3188 ARM Cortex-A9 processor and 2GB of RAM. Regarding the storage, we expect to see 16GB and 32GB models.